Craig Hoey AKA Sea High

Best Songs of 2021 #10

The Celt’s Seamus Enright, Thomas Lyons, Eddie Butler, Linda O’Reilly, and Damian McCarney, sift through the releases of the last year and rank their top 10.

10. Sea High: We All

This last year was a difficult one for many musicians, but some, such as Craig Hoey AKA Sea High used it to fuel the imagination. His 2020 Lockdown Project gave voice to a generation's anger at being restricted. This year he returned with 'We All' a track that moves from an eerie atmospheric opening to a hard edged staccato rap. The aggressive edge to the rhyme counterpoints the grey area observation of what we all are; we all heroes, we all villains.

A skilled crafter of verse, Sea High's delivery and the attention to production detail mark him out as one to watch.