IrishTV and CMG partner for live election broadcast

Ireland’s first international TV channel, IrishTV, and Celtic Media Group have joined forces to bring exclusive live TV coverage and analysis and debate of the local and European elections to viewers across the globe.

The live broadcast from 7-9pm on Sunday May 25 from Castlebar will be aired on Sky TV channel 191, Freesat 400, Eircom’s eVision and across the globe on (The broadcast will also be available live on Celtic Media Group’s seven local newspaper websites, which include the Westmeath Examiner, Westmeath Independent, Meath Chronicle, Anglo-Celt, Offaly Independent, Forum and the newly acquired Connaught Telegraph in Mayo.)

Speaking ahead of the broadcast Frank Mulrennan, CEO at Celtic Media Group, said he was delighted to be partnering with IrishTV. “As a newspaper group we are excited and interested in developing our digital offering and IrishTV is the leader in this market. It is great to see an innovative TV platform like IrishTV that has its finger on the pulse of news, sports and events in every county in Ireland,” he said.

IrishTV CEO, Pierce O’Reilly, said the broadcast would give viewers a unique insight into democracy in Ireland. He also said it was the first time ever that the global Irish diaspora would get a chance to engage with the electorate.

The live broadcast will have all the results from every corner of Ireland with interviews with political parties and candidates. There will also be reports from the four provinces, debate and discussion with the candidates, party leaders and political experts. The broadcast will also feature public opinion from across the country and what the newly elected representatives are likely to deliver in the coming term.


Our election coverage starts online at 2pm on Saturday and Sunday from 7pm to 9pm. Saturday’s coverage will feature local election coverage and updates from every county in Ireland (with a major focus on Cavan, Meath, Westmeath, Offaly & Mayo) and in-depth analysis and discussions both days. Former TV3 news anchor Alan Cantwell and expert Political Commentator Ken Murray are with us both days to keep you, the viewers, up to date on what is happening around the country.  

See Sky TV channel 191, Freesat 400, Eircom eVision 191 and

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