Saoirse and Rosie Mae Dunphy.

Youthrive - fun festival in Cootehill

Youthrive, a young mental health service, hosted a fun festival in Cootehill last week as part of mental health week to promote positive mental health among young people who are involved with local Foróige projects and clubs.

Foróige area manager, Colin McAree, explained the event provided an opportunity to enhance mental health through participation in fun, social and recreational activities. Festival activities included: mindfulness, nutrition, Zumba, outdoor games, fishing, nutritional talks, live music and much more.

“Youthrive has been a hugely significant addition to the youth mental health landscape in the region. Along with our partners, the HSE, we have developed a service and work programme that engages with young people where they are at, offering practical, timely and effective mental health supports,” said Mr McAree.

Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys, launched the festival.

Mr McAree thanked her for her support and also expressed his gratitude to all those involved in organising the festival including the Foróige organising committee, the participants and members, facilitators, Civil Defence, Foróige staff and volunteers and the Youthrive mental health support worker/festival co-ordinator Nichola Fannin.

This event was also supported by Monaghan County Council, the Healthy Ireland Fund and its co-ordinator Grainne Boyle.

The Cavan-Monaghan early intervention Youth Mental Health Service, Youthrive, is a support service for young people between the age of 12-25 years, presenting with mild and emerging mental health concerns, affecting their mood or emotional wellbeing.

The service provides support for young people experiencing issues such as mild anxiety, stress in school or at home, mood issues, behaviour difficulties or have trouble understanding or expressing feelings, issues relating to sex, sexuality and gender.

The service employs a senior psychologist, clinical nurse specialist, a youth mental health support worker and an administrator.

The early intervention service is concerned with the development of strategies, practices and services to recognise and support young people to seek help for their mental health at the earliest possible point.

The model involves both clinical and non-clinical interventions. The non-clinical interventions seek to engage young people in programmes enhancing their personal and social development, community integration as well as enhancing their protective factors.

For more information on Youthrive contact 042 9674915 or email