Minister Heather Humphreys is the Director of Elections for FIne Gael.

Humphreys takes helm of Fine Gael's campaign for the referendums

Minister Heather Humphreys has been appointed Director of Elections for the upcoming Referendums on family and care.

An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said: “Minister Humphreys will lead the Fine Gael campaigns for these two important referendums. I know that Heather feels very passionately about the issues involved and is committed to securing a successful outcome in both.

“Our Constitution needs to reflect our values. Fine Gael will shortly be launching a nationwide campaign for a ‘Yes’ vote on both referendums. I look forward to campaigning alongside Heather, my Fine Gael colleagues and members from across Government in the weeks ahead.”

On March 8, International Women’s Day, the public will be asked to cast their vote in favour or against two changes to the constitution. The first is to delete articles 41.2.1 and 41.2.2, which refers to a woman’s role being within the home, and proposes to insert a new Article 42B which recognises caregivers within families – regardless of gender. The second will be to expand the definition of the family found in article 41.1.1.

Minister Humprheys said she is “delighted” to have been appointed Director of Elections.

“I am proud of Fine Gael’s commitment to tackling inequality in our society and I look forward to an invigorating campaign with respectful and insightful debates.

“Our Constitution must change. In 2024, that it still says a woman’s role should be in the home is not appropriate. These referendums are about inclusivity and acknowledging the reality of Ireland we live it today, and the many types of families that exist, while also giving all families the same constitutional rights and protections.”