Sheila O’Keeffe of O’Keeffe Recruitment in Billis says it’s possible to find a job you love.

O’Keeffe Recruitment: Finding a job you love...

When it comes to finding a job that you love then look no further than O'Keeffe Recruitment.

Established by Sheila O'Keeffe in 2019, the Billis-based company provides professional recruitment solutions for local clients and candidates. Sheila, herself, has been in business since 2007. The company specialises in working closely with the employer and the candidate to provide life-time career choices, relocation or career development solutions. "We provide the ultimate personalised service," said Sheila before pointing out that, with almost full employment in Ireland, employers are crying out for good people.

"There’s no problem finding a job. And that’s true – but finding a job that you love, now that’s a different matter! The workplace has changed and there’s no turning back. We now have hybrid working, remote working, and people blending their lives between work and home, blurring those boundaries that used to be so clear."

The local business woman says there's a new-found respect for frontline workers who kept going through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sheila highlighted how this is particulary evident in a number of sectors and salaries in hospitality, manufacturing and retail sectors have risen accordingly.

"To remain in these frontline roles, workers need to know how they fit in with the overall goals of the company even when they’re doing mundane or routine tasks," she continued. "Most of all, finding a job that you love means working where you feel valued and respected.

"Our candidates tell me that they want to be part of a team; that they want to feel like their work means something; that they are treated with respect; and of course that they get well paid. Most people leave their workplaces because they don’t feel heard and understood," said Sheila.

There is strong competition in the jobs market at present for good candidates, she finds.

"In a period of almost full employment, with many vacancies unfilled, it’s become so easy to find alternatives when you’re unhappy in your current role. So, companies have had to work very hard to be flexible and accommodate their workers in order to retain good staff.

"Thankfully, Cavan is packed full of top-class people and top-class employers, and my job is finding the right match between these people and employers to find that holy grail – the job that you love."