The banner on the Townall proclaiming that Belturbet is 400 years old.

Belturbet plans to capitalise on its 400

The historic town of Belturbet is 400 years old this year and the Town Council under the chairmanship of Seamus Fitzpatrick is embarking on a programme of events in unison with the public to mark this significant anniversary. A public meeting takes place in the Goods Store at the Railway Station on Tuesday, September 7 at 8pm. At a recent council meeting it was suggested that they proceed with a public gathering in the town to inform all the people of various ideas that are already in train and also seek their opinions in relation to how they perceive this historic occasion and its importance in terms of future tourism promotion. Cllr. Fitzpatrick said teamwork and inclusiveness would be vital ingredients in ensuring the anniversary is marked in a meaningful way. It was important to tap into the tourism potential surrounding this event, he said. Belturbet has a rich and wonderful history and the celebrations would be designed to highlight that in a creative and informative manner. The need to commemorate the anniversary had been discussed at a number of meetings of the Town Council in the past year, initiated by Cllr. John Scott, who has carried out considerable research into matter. An application for funding has been progressed to fruition. The August meeting was informed that a plaque has already been commissioned, and it was revealed that a lecturer will be invited to give an informed insight into the history of the town during the celebratory events. A banner has been in place on the Townhall for many months, indicating that the unique anniversary was imminent. Councillors Patrick Brady, Tony Gorby, Michael Lee, Elizabeth McDermott, John McDonald and Peggy Gray all agreed that if the celebratory event is carried off with vision and collective enterprise, it will have the capacity to kick-start a more vibrant tourism sector in the town once again. They are looking forward to hearing at first hand what the people of the town will have to say about the proposed anniversary celebrations, and any innovative ideas that would leave a tourism orientated legacy. Children from all the schools in the area should also be invited to the event. For instance a wall in any new library facility in the future could be dedicated to featuring the historic highlights of the town and how it progressed 400 years ago. The fact that the cross community Castlesaunderson project is continuing will also have a major bearing on the future progress of the area and the town. Councillors have urged in previous meetings that a new library facility should also feature a tourism information desk. A dedicated wall with such highlights, maybe undertaken by a talented artist would further enhance the interest in the tourism information point. It is in the interests of everyone in the town to attend this important meeting. Make sure to play your part at this significant juncture in the history of the town. Your take on the past and vision of the future is most important and should be voiced in a coherent way at this public meeting. If you have any ideas in relation to the Belturbet 400 celebrations, make sure to go along or pass them onto one of the town councillors in the interim.