No he's not a darts player as one person surveyed thought, it's Joe O'Reilly TD.

One year on... What have they delivered?

Do you know your local TD? Anglo-Celt reporters Seamus Enright and Cormac Coughlan took to the streets of Cavan town last Friday armed with photos of Cavan and Monaghan's elected TDs. They asked 50 people to name the people in the photos and threw in another five well-known public figures from the country. Dustin the Turkey was the most recognisable, followed by Michael D Higgins. Of our elected representatives, the face of Fianna Fáil's Brendan Smith was as well known as Alex Ferguson's (37 respondents). Heather Humphreys was mistaken for Mary Hanafin by one person surveyed and Adi Roche by another; Joe O'Reilly was mistaken for a darts player on one occasion; while a couple of people thought Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin was "the bloke off the Halifax ad". Sean Conlon was labelled as Brian Hayes and DJ Carey on two of the forms completed. See this week's Celt for the full results and what the politicians claim they have done for us...