Leah Harry is inviting everyone to come to her Ceili for Cancer Research fundraiser on Sunday in Belturbet.

Leah (10) is inviting you to her Céilí for Cancer Research

A 10-year-old from Belturbet is hosting a Céilí for Cancer Awareness this weekend and is urging everyone to come along for a cuppa, a song and a bit of craic.
Leah Harry got fed up hearing about the effects of cancer that every family in the country, including her own grandad, has had to endure and decided she would do something about it. So, on Sunday the Céilí for Cancer Research will take place in Belturbet’s civic centre.
Mum Emer [Henry] explains the event: “There’ll be tea, coffee, cake, a raffle, we’ve a pianist [Jonathan Litt], Karina Charles will play as well and Leah has asked story-teller Pajo Kennedy to write a story for the céilí.
“Kids are being encouraged to come up, as is everyone, there’ll be an open mic, too, like there used to be in the céilís of long ago when everyone was encouraged to do a wee turn.
“Every family has been touched by cancer,” says Emer, “I think Leah was sick of hearing that every time we turned on the radio someone had died of it but she had seen an ad with kids going through chemo and the ad made her quite angry and passionate.
“She stood up and stamped the foot and said 'that’s it, I’m sick of this, I’m going to
do something to stop it’ and the next day it was all
Everyone is encouraged to come along on the day (€3) and if people wish to bring along bakes they can call 087-6597027 to drop them in on the night before after 5pm or on the morning of the céilí before 11am.
The céilí, which runs from 11am to 3pm on Sunday (April 10), also has a donation page www.justgiving.com/leah-harry and a Facebook page: Ceili for Cancer Research.