Redhills family secure Cuddle Cot for region

Sean McMahon

A new ‘Cuddle Cot’ will soon be available to families in Cavan, Monaghan and Louth courtesy of an initiative by a Redhills family, who experienced the recent death of their baby niece.
Eugenea O’Neill told The Anglo-Celt that they intend to purchase a Cuddle Cot in memory of their niece Cara O’Neill-Fox, who passed away last November. The specialist device allows for deceased babies to be brought home for three days in a cot as opposed to a coffin, in order to help the bereaved family under such desperate circumstances.
The Cuddle Cot features a cold mat, which facilitates the circulation of cool water and keeps the temperature low for the baby. Costing €2,500, the cot has to be imported from America.

Feileacain is the Irish for Butterfly and Eugenea points out that the Association says “these babies are like butterflies – they only live for a short time, but they affect your life in a big way”.
“When Cara passed away, we got a Cuddle Cot from a very kind family in Kerry, and that cot was in memory of little Zack Bowler. The Cuddle Cot we are buying is for the Cavan, Monaghan and Louth area. The Cuddle Cot will be in our possession and when it is required, we will deliver it to the families that are in need of it,” explained Eugenea.
A total of almost €6,000 has been raised courtesy of bag packing, coffee mornings and a sing-song in O’Neill’s pub in Redhills. Once the Cuddle Cot has been purchased, the excess funds will go to the charity known as Feileacain, which is the Neo-Natal Still Birth Association of Ireland. Feileachain help families to get in touch with others who have access to Cuddle Cots, and they also provide memory boxes for hospitals. They also run support groups and a counselling service.

Eugenea O’Neill thanked the people in O’Neill’s Pub in Redhills for organising the well attended sing-song, which raised €1,120.
Ciaran Weir from O’Neill’s Bar, who handed over the cheque to the family last Saturday morning, said they had a great night with the sing song and raffle and they ended up collecting the impressive sum. He correctly praised the great community spirit in Redhills with all ages taking part in the fundraising drive.