
The Rising script reading set for Glenfarne


Leitrim hero Seán MacDiarmada will be remembered in style by holding the world premiere screenplay reading of the movie 'The Rising' in the Glenfarne Ballroom of Romance on Sunday, August 4, from 7pm.

The event is being staged as part of the Glenfarne 50th Gala, and The Rising director Kevin McCann is looking for a whole host of experienced actors from across the region to take part.

In what will be a two-hour performance, 12 actors are needed to read from scripts the entire screenplay from start to finish.

The Glenfarne reading is the first of what will be a series of readings set to take place also in Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, New York and London in the coming months. Some of those will take place at the Contemporary Irish Arts Center in Los Angeles (August 23), The Burns Library in Boston College and the Irish Arts Centre in New York (September), and the Irish American Heritage Centre in Chicago (October).

Fiona Shaw and Michael Neeson, two of The Rising's actors will appear at the London readings, and Mr McCann says the Glenfarne reading will be performed by local experienced actors, mixed with “some well-known” faces.

“The relatives of Seán MacDiarmada are delighted that he will be remembered in this way as part of the the Glenfarne Gala, and we can expect unanimous support and some excitement about it,” Mr McCann told The Anglo-Celt this week.

Mr McCann is presently in Los Angeles where he is focusing on attracting the final 25% worth of funding necessary to begin production on what will be an overall $10 million big screen project.

If available for rehearsal on August 3, and script reading performance on August 4, contact director Kevin McCann on

Donations at door. Tea and biscuits served at interval.