CMETB look to digital learning after closures


Cavan-Monaghan Education and Training Board (CEMTB) is, where possible, looking to provide online resources in order to minimise the impact on teaching and learning among students across the region.

Its follows the announcement earlier today by An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar that schools, both primary and secondary, colleges and universities, as well as childcare facilities, will all close from 6pm this evening until March 29.

The measures have been introduced in a bid to curb and contain the further spread of the Coronavirus.

To support efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19, as of 6pm this evening (12thMarch) all Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB) schools and further education centres will be closed until 29 March 2020. This action is in line with government advice issued today,” a statement from CMETB to The Anglo-Celt said.

The spokesperson added the “contingency planning” is taking place to ensure that the organisation's “core operations” can continue.

CMETB has a education and training remit stretching from secondary schools across Cavan and Monaghan to third level at the local institutes, as well as Youthreach and other adult training.

“Where possible, CMETB schools and further education centres will endeavour to provide online resources in order to minimise the impact on teaching and learning. CMETB have applied digital learning and remote working measures in line with the advice and recommendations on responding to COVID-19 provided by the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Department of Education and Skills.”

They add: “CMETB are advising students and staff to regularly check their email for updates and visit the HSE and other statutory agency websites for more information on responding to COVID-19.”