Actor Trina McCann

'We are supposed to be a country of great culture'

The coronavirus restrictions have hindered many artists from pursuing their daily work, actor TRINA MCCANN is no different. Here's her contribution for our series in support of the ‘National Campaign for the Arts’.

Since Covid-19 hit in March all of my work has been affected. I've had projects cancelled. I've had to adapt my youth theatre work to go online, which in itself is difficult, drama being a contact sport.

It was a stressful time for young people and I felt that I had to reach out to them via Zoom.

The Arts was the first sector to stop and will be the last to recover. How did we entertain ourselves during lockdown? We watched Netflix, read books, listened to music. None of this would be available to us without the people who make it.

We are a country that prides itself on its culture, that won't be the case if arts don't receive the sufficient recovery support it needs after this pandemic.

Trina McCann, Actor, Drama Facilitator, Theatre Maker from Cootehill. Trina is artistic director of PoD Youth Theatre based in Ramor Theatre, Virginia and Joy Youth Theatre, Maudabawn.