Elena Duff in her latest music video

Responding to the Lockdown blues

Elena Duff has tapped into the zeitgeist for her latest release 'Endless Blue'.

Many will relate to the mood struck by the Bailieborough singer-songwriter as she reflects on these dreary days of masks, restrictions and cocooning.

She describes it as “as a spontaneous musical response to increased restrictions we're all under.”

Her third song, it's the follow up to the gently affecting 'Sailing in the Sea of Love' she released this summer, but strikes a very different tone.

“This one is fairly slow and melancholic, so probably not to everyone's taste,” Elena volunteers. “It recalls the sometimes bad days I've personally had and which so many of us have also experienced over the last few months during the seemingly endless, isolated lockdown days.”

In an era of restrictions, she has deliberately pared back the instrumentation with the trudge of a guitar rhythym carrying the track, allowing more space for her strong vocals to come to the fore.

Endless Blue sees Elena lament how “each day it stays all the same”.

“While the song is downbeat,” Elena tells the Celt, “it does end on a positive note in the final verse, with the message that this too shall pass: 'It's just a patch of stormy weather'.”

The lockdown obviously forced Elena to be creative with her DIY video.

“Yet again this is a homemade video filmed within the 5km distance and featuring anything blue in colour that I could find at home and outside.”