Adam Crowe with his wonderful picture which captures two nurses comforting each other on the front line in the midst of the Covid 19 Pandemic.

Frontline heroes picture goes viral for local artist

Adam describes his style of painting currently as “patch painting”, as opposed to doing realistic portraits.

A talented young artist has become an internet sensation with his truly amazing picture of two front line nursing heroes comforting each other in these strange times. Adam Crowe (23) from Maudabawn shared his thought-provoking painting on Facebook and other social media platforms and it attracted literally thousands of likes and responses from all over Ireland and abroad including America, Canada, South Africa, Spain and Germany and is growing by the day.

Apart from creating unique images, Adam is also currently endeavouring to get his new tattoo business off the ground, where of course his artistic talents will shine. This self taught artist enthused that his whole family are artistic with a love for music as well, and it was in this environment that his creative flair was nurtured.

He describes his style of painting currently as “patch painting”, as opposed to doing realistic portraits.

Modest Adam said he just posted the painting on social media to give it a wider audience.

“I never thought I would get this amazing reaction,” he enthused.

The image has clearly resonated with some medics in Dublin, and they have contacted him with a suggestion of donating prints of the image to Irish hospitals.

“I would like to give a print of the painting to every major hospital in Ireland,” Adam told the Celt, “so that they can frame it and look back at what they went through in years to come.”

Adam would like some assistance in organising this fundraiser via Facebook, so if there are people out there who have have experience in organising such events, you can make contact with him. “I am completely open to ideas on that front and I would like a bit of help,” he said. “I would like to raffle off the original painting and make a good bit of money for the frontline workers who are doing an amazing job in these tough times. Cavan General Hospital will be first on my list.”

When the Celt suggested this could open up a whole new career for him, Adam enthusiastically replied: “I would love to do something like that”.

Anyone interested in helping Adam organise a fundraiser can contact him at: