Cllr Clifford Kelly (FF), cathaoirleach of Cavan County Council.

A buzz about town - Cllr Kelly

“You can see it, people are in better form and they’re enjoying the whole buzz of everything being opened again.”

Cathaoirleach Clifford Kelly warmly welcomed the re-opening of Kingscourt town and praised the local business people.

“It’s fantastic to see how well the businesses are doing since things re-opened, it’s great to see life around the town again," he added.

The Fianna Fáil man praised the businesses for their innovation in getting their doors opened again.

“A lot of the food places have provided outdoor dining facilities behind their premises,” he said.

Cllr Kelly added that Cavan County Council had done excellent work along the main street in that regard. “They’ve spent great money, it’s great to see that they have the belief in the business people. It has brought new life into the town,” he said of the initiative.

The Kingscourt man is confident that businesses will bounce back stronger than ever.

“The only thing I’m hoping and praying for is that we’ll get fairly good weather in the next six to eight weeks.”

Cllr Kelly welcomed the allocation of funds to extend Colaiste Dun an Rí to accommodation 1,000 students. He described it as “a big boost to the community" (See news sector for more).

He said it will be “a great shot in the arm” for businesses, with parents dropping their children to school and then heading into the local shops.

Cllr Kelly thanked the people of the town for working together through the pandemic and wished health and happiness on everyone in the future.