Proposed early closing time is effectively lockdown for bars - vintners

The reported NPHET advice to close pubs at 5pm from this Monday is effectively a full lockdown of the trade, fume the Vintners’ Federation.

The VFI made their comments ahead of this afternoon's cabinet meeting where the government will decide on implementing new restrictions.

The VFI says ministers need to understand that for the majority of pubs 90% of turnover is generated after 5pm.

Padraig Cribben, VFI Chief Executive, says: “The proposed 5pm closing time is devastating news for our trade and is difficult to come to terms with. After so many lockdowns, along with the desperately slow reopening of the trade during the summer and the promise of no further shut-downs, this proposal would effectively be a full lockdown.

“Allowing our members trade until 5pm is pointless. Over 90% of pub turnover is generated at night-time so closing early is not viable. In fact, any reduction in the current trading hours will crush many businesses. What is proposed is effectively full closure of the sector and would have to come with a full suite of supports."

Clear plan

Mr Cribben concluded: “Over 94% of the population is fully vaccinated, the ‘booster’ programme is proceeding at pace so why are we going backwards? The virus looks like it will be with us for years to come so at some point we need to switch to living alongside Covid instead of living in fear. We need a clear plan but right now Government is sadly lacking a pathway out of this mess.”