Over €115k in rent for Cavan’s Covid test centre

The amount paid on rent for Cavan's COVID-19 testing centre has been revealed.

Over €14,000 a month has been paid for the rental of the Scouting Ireland facility in Castle Saunderson, figures released to The Anglo-Celt under the Freedom of Information Act show.

Originally based in the HSE Health Centre in Ballinagh, the testing site was moved to the well-known forest park in April of last year.

Rent payments have been made by the HSE since May 24, 2021, when it paid out €14,301.87.

Payments have varied over the period to December 31 with the most, €14,652.69, paid on September 8.

A total of €115,565.78 was paid between May and December 3.

It was confirmed to this newspaper earlier this month that there are no plans to move the testing centre until the end of this year at the earliest.

The lease on the Castle Saunderson site was originally signed for a nine month period, with a three-month extension optional.

The HSE confirmed it will remain operational at the site following an extension of the agreement until October.