Council approves new Cootehill homes

Plans for new homes in Cootehill have been given the green light.

Five apartments, made up of one and two bed units, are planned for 41 and 43 Bridge Street in the town, along with five townhouses.

The plans will see the conversion and renovation of No. 41 from a commercial building into a residential unit. The building is a proposed listed building, having been built around 1820. It was converted into a commercial premises in 2004 after the granting of planning permission.

No. 43, a residential home, will also be refurbished.

To the rear of the buildings, single and two storey extensions will be demolished and replaced with new two-storey extensions.

The former shop front will be removed, with works also planned to install amenity spaces and communal spaces to the rear of the buildings.

Derelict buildings behind will also be demolished. Five, single-storey townhouses will be built in their place. Each will be a two-bedroom unit.

Associated site works will also be carried out.

The application was submitted by GSL Residential Bridge Street Limited. Its largest shareholder is listed as Galetech Sustainable Limited, a Stradone based company, which has planned a number of other residential developments. A decision on its proposed development overlooking Killymooney Lake in Cavan Town is also awaited.

Extensive surveys of the Bridge Street buildings were carried out at the request of Cavan County Council. No asbestos was found in either building following a survey in February.

The local authority in November requested further information and a redrawing of some aspects of the plans. This included the provision of car parking space behind the street-facing buildings and the need for access for emergency services to the rear of the development.

Cavan County Council last week approved the Cootehill plans, subject to 16 conditions.