Deep retrofit applications among highest in country

The number of applications approved in Cavan for deep home retrofit SEAI grant-aid under the National Home Energy Upgrade Scheme is among the highest in the country.

Cavan has processed 65 successful applications to date.

Only Dublin (118), Cork (82), Galway (72) have a higher number of successful applications.

Elsewhere in the local region, Monaghan has 15, Meath has nine, Leitrim had zero, and Longford has six.

There have been a total of 681 applications approved nationally.

The National Home Energy Upgrade Scheme (NHEUS) Scheme provides increased grant levels of up to 50% of the cost of a typical deep retrofit to a B2 BER standard.

Following Government approval, the SEAI registration portal opened for companies to apply to be a One-Stop-Shop (OSS). SEAI are now focused on engaging organisations capable of professionally managing all aspects of a One Stop Shop service say the department.

There are currently 12 OSSs registered and SEAI is supporting another 10 more organisations through the registration process.

The SEAI expects to have 15 registered OSSs offering whole house retrofits by the end of this year.

The cost of deep retrofit works to bring an individual home to a Building Energy Rating (BER) B2 is determined by a number of factors including the size and type of home as well as the starting condition of the home.

The types of works applied for and the grant support available under the Scheme are informed by the Home Energy Assessment undertaken by the OSS.

Recent figures from the SEAI estimates that the cost of an OSS deep home retrofit ranges from €12,600 to €79,000 with a reported average total cost figure of €29,000 for completed works to date.

The average OSS home energy grant offer is €20,500. However, it is important to note that these averages may fluctuate depending on the applications submitted to the SEAI.

With the most recent figures from SEAI showing that 681 homes have been approved for OSS home energy upgrades, the department says that this points to a strong pipeline of works for the coming months. To date, energy upgrade works have been completed and paid for 89 homes.