Senator Joe O’Reilly (FG).

Traders are 'the engine that keeps the community going'

Senator Joe O’Reilly's Christmas message

This Christmas, Senator Joe O’Reilly is keen to extend a warm welcome to those who have relocated to Ireland this year.

“It’s a Christmas when, tragically, a lot of Ukrainian people have been displaced by an illegal, barbaric war. They’re separated from family members, possibly for the first time ever at Christmas. We welcome them here, as well as the new Irish that have joined us over the last few years, who are making a fantastic contribution to our community.”

The Fine Gael senator is also conscious of those who are struggling in their lives.

“It’s important at Christmas to think about less fortunate people than ourselves, those who are more vulnerable. We should take time to visit people who might be lonely and support people in a vulnerable situation and be conscious of those people who need support, not just financially but in every sense of the word.”

He also encourages people to shop locally this year.

“Where anything can be got locally, people should shop locally. Local businesses give support for social, cultural and sporting events in the area where their sponsorship is crucial. They provide jobs for local families and give work for local students. They are the engine that keeps the community going and should be supported.”

Joe is also proud of his accomplishments in the town of Bailieborough.

“I’m proud of the achievements that I’ve been associated with in recent years for Bailieborough. I’m very proud of the Garda Barracks, which is under construction, and for which I was instrumental in gaining approval. I’m also proud that along with my colleague, Minister Humphreys, I was able to secure important funding for the leisure centre to stop it from shutting down when it was threatened with closure and I’m proud of the work that’s been done on the courthouse and my involvement in securing funding for it from Minister Humphreys’ department.”