Maria Mozdzen, Ella Whelan and Catherine O’Reilly Wishing You a Very Happy Christmas from everyone at Callans Pharmacy.

Something for everyone at Callan’s

“At Callan's Pharmacy we have a great selection for mums, dads, kids, gifts for the home some extra special gifts this Christmas.

I think this year we have nicer presents than ever,” declared Bronagh O’Reilly, the proprietor.

And the most popular gift choices in the run-up to Christmas? “Perfume and aftershave are always popular. We have a fantastic selection of perennial favourites like Chanel, Burberry, Gucci and Prada. We have beautiful gifts and coffrets to choose from and Maria, Gwen, Catherine and Ella are always happy to choose the right perfume or aftershave for you or your loved one and will wrap it for you too!"

And it doesn’t stop and perfumes and beauty products. Callan's also stock a great selection of giftware including Shannonbridge, pottery, Celtic Candles, Green Angel Body product - all of which are made in Ireland.

“We always promote buying Irish and buying local," said Bronagh.

“We know that people are very happy to buy Irish because of the quality products”.

There’s a great selection of handbags, jewellery, hats, gloves and scarves in store too with beautiful touch lamps and Himalayan salt lamps, wax melts and diffusers and a huge selection of children’s toys.

For more call into Callan’s pharmacy in Kingscourt or shop online at