Pictured at ‘Farming a Changing Industry’ event hosted by Amatino Partners at The Cavan Crystal Hotel on Thursday evening (from left): Guest speaker Tom Canning, Canning Agriculture Consultants; guest speaker Oliver Crowe, CC Agri Consultants; Desmond Lowry, Amatino Partners, MC on the night; Ashley Maguire and Irene Harkness, Amatino Partners; guest speaker, Linda Scott, Amatino Partners; Sean Reilly, Amatino Partners; guest speaker Adam Woods, Irish Farmers Journal, and Geoffry Foster, Amatino Partners. PHOTOS: SHEILA ROONEY

Challenges and opportunities for farmers through climate change

SEMINAR 130 farmers attend event on National Farmers Day

Climate change will be the single greatest challenge facing farmers into the future but there will also be opportunities for the agri sector. That was one view presented to more than 130 people who attended a seminar on National Farmers Day last week.

The free event, hosted by Amatino Accountants and Business Advisors, was held in the Cavan Crystal Hotel on October 12 last.

The seminar titled 'Farming - a Changing Industry', featured a panel of speakers who provided useful information and tips for the farming industry on a number of different topics including: other markets, schemes, opportunities for farmers, ACRES, organic farming, succession farm planning, nitrates and environmental issues, the new quota, taxes to consider, retirement relief and farm partnerships. Speaking at the event Adam Woods, beef editor with the Irish Farmers Journal, said: “Agriculture will face a huge amount of challenges in the next few years, one of the biggest being climate change and how farming positions itself as part of the solution and not the problem. Meeting these challenges will bring change but it will also bring opportunities for many.” Also addressing the event Tom Canning, agricultural consultant, spoke on nitrates and the environment – the new quota - and advised farmers on the importance of planning. He suggested the use of Targeted Agriculture Modernisation Schemes (TAMS) to improve facilities, safety and to reduce costs. Oliver Crowe, CC Agri Consultants, outlined the ACRES scheme, a new agri-environment climate scheme in Ireland that aims to help farmers improve biodiversity, climate, air and water quality on their farms. He also provided information on organic farming listing the basic rules and advising those considering organic farming to keep it simple.

Mr Crowe finished his presentation with some facts about the Succession Grant. Amatino’s Director & Tax Consultant, Linda Scott, gave a presentation that included advice on succession planning, taxes to consider, she also spoke on retirement relief and grants available and finished her presentation with a budget update and top tax tips. Desmond Lowry, director at Amatino, was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening.

Geoffrey Foster, director and Ashley Maguire, associate director Amatino, were also present at the event to welcome the attendees.

The Amatino team coordinating the event were Linda Scott, director and tax consultant; Irene Harkness, senior accountant and Seán Reilly, junior accountant.