The very impressive array of vestments and various other items, such as cases containing all the requisites for a priest on the Missions including a chalice, which were on display in the Pastoral Centre in St Patrick’s College on Sunday as part of the Diocese Kilmore Apostolic Work Society, celebrating 100 years in existence this year.

Celebrating 100 yeras of Kilmore Apostolic Society

The Kilmore Apostolic Society is celebrating 100 years in operation this year. Celebrations took place on Sunday when funds gathered throughout the Diocese over the past year were distributed to missionaries in need throughout the world.

A selection of silverware including sacred vessels were also presented to each, as well as altar linens, purchased and made by members of the society.

“Anything we give to the Missions, we give through an Irish contact, like an Irish missioner who’s out there or someone who has been out there that has contacts on the Mission,” explains Susanna Tinneny, adding that this is the only way of ensuring the items and money reach their destination safely due to corruption in many of the countries in need.

Bishop Martin Hayes was present to hand out the gifts to each of the missionaries.

Explaining the importance of the commemorations, Susanna told the Celt: “100 years is so special. There’s not many organisations that celebrate 100 years. It’s so special to be remembered.”

The Kilmore Apostolic Society is made up of around 100 members and is supported by 13 parishes throughout the county. Four parishes also help out with church gate collections each year.

“We’re only doing what we always did but, because it’s 100 years, we’re putting a bit more of an emphasis on it,” explained Susanna.

Kilmore Apostolic Society aims to provide money and sacred vessels to areas of the world in which a Catholic Church has not yet been created.

This was the final step of the Society’s centenary celebrations.

“We have already planted a tree at St Pat’s back at Easter time, we had a celebration mass in Kinawley,” says Suzanne, explaining the founder of the diocese was originally from Kinawley, County Fermanagh.

A tree was also planted at St Pat’s Pastoral Centre to commemorate the momentous occasion.