Cllr. T.P. O'Reilly

Minister asked to provide grants for sewerage upgrades

Cavan County Council is to write to the Minister for the Environment, Eamon Ryan, asking that he provide grant aid to commercial businesses for sewerage upgrades. He'll also be asked to extend the domestic sewerage treatment plant upgrade scheme.

Both were suggestions made by Fine Gael's TP O'Reilly when speaking at the November monthly meeting of Cavan County Council.


He highlighted the need for the government to widen the scope of the domestic septic tank grant. From January 1, 2024, the septic tank grant will increase from €5,000 to €12,000. However, only a limited number of people stand to benefit, and very few from Cavan. Regarding commercial premises, Cllr O'Reilly noted that many of the businesses this would benefit are already contributing considerable amounts in rates and in terms of employment also.

“It would help out, and be a way of giving something back,” he suggested.

His motion was supported by party colleague Winston Bennett who fumed at the narrowness of the septic tank grant. All domestic waste water treatment systems, including septic tanks, must be registered with a local authority, and he felt the announcement was made under “false pretences”.

“Only a very small number will get it.”

Director of Services, Paddy Connaughton, acknowledged that the scheme was only available to people living in a “designated area” and that this would only be “relevant” to a small percentage of the country and by those also who had received a letter of eligibility from their local authority.

Cllr O'Reilly returned to say that improving septic tanks should be a priority for those espousing a “green agenda”.