Fiona reads to some children from St Anne’s NS

The gift of reading

“It’s important to get children involved in their library and reading books at a young age"

Bailieborough is hosting ‘Family Time at your Library’ on December 2, a family fun day to encourage children to use their local library.

Fiona Burke of Bailieborough Library explains more.

“This year we are going to have a Christmas craft show for children aged eight and older in the morning; in the afternoon we’ll have an Elf on the Shelf workshop for all children aged four and over, with mobile music school. We’ll have a Christmas poetry workshop in the evening for children aged eight plus. The whole idea is to get the entire family into the library.There’ll be storytelling, a colouring competition and we’ll have our Christmas stock out so we’re looking forward to seeing everyone in our local library out on the day.”

Fiona says that it is hugely beneficial to get children involved in reading and the library as early as possible.

“It’s important to get children involved in their library and reading books at a young age. There was an initiative launched called ‘First Five’ that was rolled out last year. Every school child starting school got a free book bag with starting school-themed books. We also have books at bedtime for babies for all parents of babies, with a leaflet that had tips on how to tell stories to babies. It’s never too early to read to your children.”