Cavan Christmas Trees on the farm in Arva. INSET: Declan Gumley.

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas trees...‘Major risks and major concerns’

Declan’s tree farm is open to the public (H12 FF80).

The picture-perfect scene of a happy family going to pick the ideal Christmas tree is one depicted in many American Christmas movies but it’s a tradition that’s growing in popularity here too.

Declan Gumley is selling locally-grown Christmas trees at his farm in Arva. He has been growing trees since 2013, but only began selling them to the public this Winter.

This festive season, he hopes to sell around 200 trees. Declan’s tree farm is open to the public (H12 FF80).

“I am the only Christmas tree grower in Cavan that allows you to come and pick your own tree. You can come into the farm, I will cut down your tree, put it in a net and bring it out to your car,” he explained.

Declan contends that real trees are much better than fake Christmas trees, and better for the environment too!

Checking off items on the nice list, Declan points out: They are grown locally so, when you buy them, you are supporting local business; they’re fresh, smell festive and are sustainable!

He explains further: “Fake trees are made from plastic, 85% of those are made and shipped from China, where they burn large amounts of fossil fuels in the production process, like carbon dioxide, which are harmful to our environment.”

In contrast to that, Declan continues: “With your real trees, as they are growing, they’re taking carbon dioxide out of the air and turning it into oxygen.”

And on the point of sustainability, he says: “With every tree we cut down, we plant another one in its place. In other words, they’re much better for the environment!”

Roughly, Declan plants 600 trees a year and it takes a tree up to 10 years to grow.

He will be selling his trees starting at €50 for an eight-foot tree.

Declan assures the tree will last for three to four weeks after being felled, if kept properly. His main tips for a long-lasting tree are to keep the tree away from fires, stoves etc, and to have the tree in a good water stand, topping up the level every few days.

He concludes: “They’re just like cut flowers, they will last twice as long if you take care of them!”