Chief Fire Officer Noel O’Reilly

‘In the event of fire, get out, stay out!’

Christmas is, as the song goes, the most wonderful time of the year, but for Cavan County Fire Service, it’s unfortunately also one of the busiest, with an increase in incidents such as chimney fires, house fires, and road traffic collisions.

Colder weather, increased alcohol consumption, and the proliferation of candles, electric lights, and Christmas trees in the home, are all hazards that pose a significant risk to our safety at this time of year.

None of this is to say we shouldn’t enjoy ourselves the festivities, but taking some simple, common-sense precautions can help ensure you have a peaceful, stress-free holiday period.

Never leave candles unattended, or near to anything flammable such as curtains. Consider LED candles, a much safer alternative, which last longer too!

Make sure your chimney has been cleaned before you light an open fire in your home. Chimney fires can quickly spread into your roof.

'Test it Tuesday!'

Make sure you have a working carbon monoxide alarm and a working smoke alarm on every floor. Test them regularly – make ‘Test It Tuesday’ a part of your weekly routine.

Buy your Christmas lights from a reputable retailer. These lights are more likely to meet electrical safety standards, compared to ‘cheap and cheerful’ lights bought online. Avoid using old sets that may have frayed cords, damaged plugs, missing bulbs, and other faults that can cause fires. Newer LED lights are a safer option.

Dried out ‘real’ Christmas trees are notoriously flammable. Look for fresher trees with green needles that don’t fall out easily and keep the tree stand filled with water. An artificial tree labelled as fire-resistant is also a safer option.

Alcohol consumption in the home increases during the festive period. Avoid the temptation to cook up a storm after a few hot ports – alcohol and frying pans are a lethal combination.

If smoking cigarettes, do it outside. Discarded cigarettes are a significant cause of domestic house fires – particularly when alcohol is involved.

Avoid using generic chargers for tablets and phones, and always charge devices during the day on a hard surface, never under a pillow or duvet.

With family visiting, there will likely be many devices on the go. Avoid overloading sockets.

Close doors at night. In the event of a fire, a closed door will give your family more time to safely escape.

Practice your escape route with your family.

In the event of fire, get out, stay out, and get the fire brigade out by calling 112 or 999.

Take care on the roads

In addition to fire incidents, our firefighters attend a lot of road traffic collisions in the winter months. Please take care to reduce speed, drive according to the conditions, and never, ever drink and drive. Take it from us, the devastation that is wrought by a collision is just not worth it. Pedestrians should also ensure they are visible, by wearing hi-vis clothing at night.

Christmas is a time to be enjoyed, not a source of worry, but we all need to be responsible with regard to our own safety. By taking a practical, common-sense approach to our Christmas celebrations, we can provide a safe and secure environment for our loved ones to enjoy this magical time of year.

Accidents do happen, and rest assured that our dedicated firefighters in 10 stations across the county, from Dowra to Kingscourt, will be on-call 24 hours a day ready to respond to their communities. If you would like to serve your community in an exciting, dynamic, and fulfilling role, Cavan County Fire Service is currently hiring retained firefighters in all 10 stations, so visit to learn more or speak to your local crew.

On behalf of all the management and staff of Cavan County Fire Service, I wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas.

Noel O’Reilly

Chief Fire Officer

Cavan County Fire Service