Cloudy with patches of light rain, drizzle and mist

Highest temperatures of 8 to 12 degrees

Today will be mostly cloudy with patches of light rain, drizzle and mist. Highest temperatures of 8 to 12 degrees in a moderate to fresh southerly breeze.

Tonight will be mostly cloudy with patches of light rain or drizzle. Mild, with lowest temperatures of 7 to 10 degrees, in a moderate to fresh southerly breeze.

Tomorrow morning will be generally cloudy and dry, with just isolated patches of light rain or drizzle. Rain will develop in the west before midday and will move eastwards across the rest of the country during the afternoon and evening. Breezy at first with a fresh to strong and gusty southerly wind, easing and becoming northwesterly later. Mild with highest temperatures of 10 to 13 degrees.