Heart power and horse power join forces to help Gerry walk again
A tractor run to raise funds for a Killinkere man who sustained a brain injury after a cardiac arrest last year, will be held this Sunday, April 14.
Registration for the fundraiser in aid of Gerry Corrigan takes place at Killinkere Leisure Centre from 10.30am, with departing time scheduled for 12.30pm. This latest fundraising endeavour follows on from a Gofundme page established earlier this year - 'Help Gerry Walk Again' - which has already exceeded its initial target of €100,000.
Twelve months ago Gerry sustained a prolonged cardiac arrest which left him battling for his life. In more recent times, he is being described as a 'miracle man' such has been his remarkable recovery since.
Gerry defied medics and science on his rehabilitation journey, and is now learning to walk again with the support and help of staff at a specialised neurological injury centre in Co Tipperary.
Gerry’s brother-in-law, Padraic Sheridan, says their family is very grateful for the “great” treatment Gerry has received to date at Cavan General Hospital, Monaghan Rehab Unit and at the National Rehabilitation Hospital in Dún Laoghaire.
“He has made a miraculous recovery to date and is nearing his discharge home on a permanent basis,” explained Padraic.
Padraic emphasises that special thanks is also owed to the communities in Killinkere, and to the surrounding parishes, where people rallied around Gerry’s family - wife Anita; daughters Aoife (20) and Saranna (15); and his son Philip (18) - so they could help him to get back on his feet.
“Gerry's sheer grit, work ethic and determination along with his faith and family support has gotten him to where he is today. His unmeasurable love for his wonderful wife Anita and his family has been his constant source of drive and motivation.”
Gerry spent 10 months in hospital following the incident and now needs therapy and support to help him walk again. Padraic says there is a concerted effort to help Gerry achieve that goal, and all fundraising efforts will go support his brother-in-law’s rehabilitation.
Meanwhile, the tractor run this weekend is open to everyone and will include tractors, cars and lorries. The entry fee is €20 and Padraic says an appreciation night for all those who have supported and contributed to the miracle man’s recovery over the last 12 months will be held in Killinkere the following weekend, where the total monies raised will be announced and great prizes handed out following a bumper raffle.
At the time of writing €105,000 had been raised on the Gofundme page.
“We are so grateful to everyone, we really are,” stressed Padraic. “We want everyone to come out and support the tractor run because it’s going to be great fun and will highlight all the things that Gerry holds dear - family, community and sheer determination. The generosity of people has been unbelievable to tell you the truth.”