Therese Conway, CEO, Cavan Credit Union

Uptake in green home loans at Cavan CU

Cavan Credit Union have noticed an uptake in their green home loan offer.

The loan is to encourage people to improve energy efficiency in the home and to make homes more environmentally friendly.

Speaking to The Anglo-Celt CEO of Cavan Credit Union, Therese Conway, said they are seeing “an increase in popularity” for the green home loan offer.

She said people are continuing to borrow for traditional home improvements, which “will always be the case”. However, members are increasingly looking to make their homes more environmentally-friendly and to reduce their energy costs.

“To this end, we are delighted to be part of the national Credit Union Greenify brand, which offers loans for home energy efficiency works,” she said.

She described Greenify as a “very straightforward” loan.

“There is no requirement to have grant funding for the works or a particular registered builder, the only requirement is that the works are being done to improve the energy efficiency of your home.”

Cavan Credit Union recently gave a Greenyify loan to local homeowners Padraig and Anita Cahill, who recently did renovation works on their home Killygarry House.

“We have had a great example of this working well in practice,” she said of the renovation.

Padraig went on to become the Greenify brand’s 'Hero Homeowner' for 2024 and shared his experience of renovating an old house.

“He and Anita have done a wonderful job of bringing Killygarry House, which is just outside Cavan Town, not only back to it’s former glory, but also turning it into an energy efficient and comfortable family home.”

“Cavan Credit Union were delighted to be able to support them in their work on the energy upgrade of the house with the provision of a Greenify loan.”

Contact us

Anyone who is interested in finding out more about a Greenify loan can check out Cavan Credit Union’s website at or contact them on 049-4331715 or call into the branch at 83 Main Street, Cavan.