Road flooding concerns raised
Flooding on the Kells Road out of Bailieborough following a recent “deluge” of rain, which resulted in several vehicles being damaged in the area, required urgent attention Aontú Sarah O’Reilly told the Bailieborough-Cootehill Municipal District meeting.
She added the Virginia Road also to the list, noting that there is a “dip in the road” where rainwater gathers that motorists are often unaware of until it is too late.
“It holds a lot of water,” she told fellow elected members and the council executive present.
“It can be very dangerous with flash flooding,” continued the Aontú Bailieborough councillor.
Senior Area Engineer for the district, Clinton Mulligan, said an application for funding to address such matters had been made under the Climate Action Fund, but that they would have to wait to see if that particular section had been included.
He said the council is aware of the problem. “We have to wait and see what jobs get funding,” he told the meeting.
Fianna Fáil’s Niall Smith highlighted a similar issue at the junction for Tierworker where he said there is a need to raise the level of the road surface.
“The water builds up very quick on the road there,” he said.