Paddy Greenan of Belturbet Golf Club is looking forward to this weekend's classic.

Belturbet Golf Classic starts tomorrow

The biggest golf classic in the north west will be staged over three days in Belturbet Golf Club from Friday 22 April 2016 to Sunday 24 April 2016. Four person teams of any combination are welcome and a three course meal will be included in entry fee. Major prizes will be up for grabs for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, longest drive, nearest the pin. Time sheet in operation. Please contact Paddy Greenan 087 6699688 or Paddy Brady 087 2988854.


Singles Matchplay Qualifier Result

1st - Sean McGowan 41 pts

2nd - Barry Fanning 39 pts


50/50 Draw

The first draw of the new 12 month 50/50 Draw took place on Sunday, 10 April at 1pm in the clubhouse.

1st - Monaghan family

2nd - Brendan Coyle

3rd - Monica Donohoe

4th - Bridie Donohoe

5th - Frank Donohoe


Singles and Doubles Matchplay

The entry sheets for both competitions can be found on the notice board in the locker room.  Entry to both competitions will be open until end April.


Course Clean Up

Members are invited to assist in the weekly course clean-up at 10am on Saturdays. All help is greatly appreciated.