Live Election Blog- Local Elections Cavan 2024- Day #2

Counts now complete in two LEAs with just Bailieborough Cootehill outstanding

And that's a wrap! After the final count - here's the state of play in County Cavan: FG and FF 6 each; SF 3; and one each for Aontú, Independent Ireland and a non party candidate. Full coverage of the count, highs and lows, winners and losers and analysis in next week's print edition of the Celt.

Thanks for sticking with us since we went live at 9am yesterday morning - over 40 hours ago! It's been emotional.

REACTION: Val takes the rural route to electoral success

REACTION: Clifford's done it again!


The distribution of Stiofán Conaty's surplus of 120 votes

Quota: 1,716

Sitting councillor Aiden Fitzpatrick has been eliminated from the race. The following have been deemed elected without reaching the quota Cllr Clifford Kelly (FF), Cllr Val Smith (FG) and Niall Smith (FF) .

Stawart Clifford Kelly (FF) is congratulated by Deputy Brendan Smith and Senator Diarmuid Wilson.


12:54PM: Conaty aims to be a 'driver for change'

12:36PM: Fianna Fáil's Aiden Fitzpatrick, who is likely now to lose his seat, looks back on his last five years as councillor with pride.



The redistribution of Paddy McDonald's 1,112 votes

Quota 1,716

Cllr Stiofán Conaty is elected. His surplus of 120 votes will now be redistributed in count #8


Stiofan Conaty (SF) raises his fist in victory as he claims the third seat in Bailieborough Cootehill.

11.52PM: Remaining seats look to take shape as Fitzpatrick anticipates he's losing out

11:32PM: Nearing another count in Bailieborough Cootehill.

11.20PM: Analysis: McDonald bows out of count and politics. Depending on how much transfers to Conaty, we could have a further count, and then we're in the lap of the Gods.

10:43PM: Sitting Cllr Paddy McDonald (SF) has been eliminated; although running mate Siofan Conaty looks set to hold the seat for the party.

Still four seats to fill but with five left in the race, it will be decided on the next count - provided no recheck or recount is sought. The status quo in this LEA remains one seat each for Aontú and Fine Gael.


Quota: 1716

Redistribution of Kristofer Shekelton's 914 votes

No candidate elected. Cllr Paddy McDonald is eliminated and his 1,112 votes will be redistributed in the seventh count

10:09PM: Analysis - the picture as it's emerging in Bailieborough Cootehill

Six candidates fight it out for four seats

9:45PM: Read more - Reaction from the final four Ballyjamesduff candidates elected; and the last one eliminated.

Connell puts Sinn Fein back at the Ballyduff MD table

Ballyduff 'dark horse' falls at the last...

Cllr TP O'Reilly 3rd FG councillor to be returned in Ballyjamesduff

'Thanks to all the people who stood loyal to me over the last 20 years'


The redistribution of Garry Cosgrove's 724 votes

No candidate elected. Kristofer Shekelton excluded and his votes will be redistributed in the sixth count.

9:03PM: Some devastating news from the press gallery. The milk has turned and the Nespresso machine is out of action. How ever will we cope?!

8:38PM: Two out of three LEAs are complete. State of play on Cavan County Council - 14 out of 18 seats filled. FG 5; FF 4; SF 2; and one each to Aontú, Independent Ireland and a non party candidate.

8:33PM: JOY for Niamh Brady (FG) and John Paul Feeley (FF)


The following candidates have been elected without reaching the quota: Niamh Brady, Cllrs John Paul Feeley and Cllr Patricia Walsh.

READ MORE: McVitty FG a major casualty in Cavan-Belturbet

8:08PM: ANALYSIS Cosgrove loses out on recount but where will his vote go?


The distribution of Philip Brady's surplus votes

* Elected Noel Connell and TP O'Reilly.

Final Result from Ballyjamesduff: FG 3, and one each to FF, SF and II. The seats were taken by Cllr Shane P. O'Reilly (II), Cllr Trevor Smith (FG), Cllr Philip Brady (FF), Cllr Winston Bennett (FG), Noel Connell (SF) and Cllr T.P. O'Reilly (in that order).


- following the recount of Kristofer Shekelton and Garry Cosgrove's votes -

and distribution of Carmel Brady's surplus of 12 votes.

No candidate elected. Garry Cosgrove has been eliminated just one vote behind Kristofer Shekelton and Cosgrove's votes will now be redistributed in the fifth count.

7:20PM: With half the seats now filled on Cavan County Council - it seems the perfect time for a little musical interlude and indeed there are a few candidates still Livin' on a Prayer. Cue the man himself Jon Bon Jovi....

7PM: Brady has won back the seat he lost in 2019, earning 529 of 'Bricker' Wall's 984, bringing him above the quota.


6:47PM: The Celt news team is joined by our newest recruit - Tom Brady, son of Cllr Philip 'Gunner' who gives his dad the thumbs up having been re-elected. Tom tells us he intends to continue the 'Gunner' legacy in politics in the future.

Tom Brady from Mullahoran gives dad Philip the thumbs up!

6:46PM: Brady SF elected after 'Bricker' hits wall


The distribution of the votes of Michael 'Bricker' surplus of 196 votes

The quota is 1,431 votes

Damien Brady reclaims the seat for Sinn Féin. His surplus of 298 votes will now be redistributed in count #6

6:26PM: Count #7 in Ballyjamesduff sees two sitting councillors returned Philip Brady (FF) and Winston Bennett (FG). The state of play in Cavan now is eight out of 18 seats filled. They are 3FG, 2FF and one each to Aontú, Independent Ireland and a non party candidate.


The distribution of Nathan Galligan's 986 votes

The quota is 1,700

Winston Bennett (FG): +128 - 1,723

Philip 'Gunner' Brady (FF): +425 - 1,849

Noel Connell (SF): +87 - 1,685

Lester Gordon (IP): +142 - 1,392

T.P. O'Reilly (FG): +86 - 1,563

Cllr Philip 'Gunner' Brady (FF) and Cllr Winston Bennett (FG) are both elected having exceeded the quota. The surplus of Philip 'Gunner' Brady's 149 votes to be distributed in count #8.

6:18PM: I’ll be back vows Fianna Fáil's Nathan Galligan

5:30PM: Cllr Peter McVitty (FG) is back in the count centre with his wife, Susan, fuelling speculation that another count from Cavan Belturbet is imminent. The Ballyconnell man is in a tussle with Cllr Patricia Walsh (FF) for a seat with all eyes on whether Michael 'Bricker' Wall's (SF) transfers will stay in Cavan Town or go back to the party to Damien Brady in west Cavan. If they stay in town, Patricia Walsh should be safe; if they go west, they are more likely to transfer to Peter McVitty down the line.

5:27PM: The count centre is filling up here in Cavan with everyone eager to hear who the next elected representatives will be. Stay tuned.

5.15PM: Carmel Brady gives reaction to her reelection in Bailieborough Cootehill electoral area.

5:08PM: Two candidates rely on SF candidate's elimination


The redistribution of Gráinne McPhillips' 821 votes

The quota is 1,700

No candidate elected. Nathan Galligan (FF) is eliminated and his votes will be redistributed in count #7

4:58PM: An update from our colleagues in Castlebar from the European Election County. They say:"It will be some time before the picture becomes clear. At the moment it's looking like FG 2, FF 1, Ming and Mullooly with SF out in the cold. But early days yet."


The redistribution of the votes of eliminated candidates' votes

The quota is 1,431 votes

No candidate elected. Michael 'Bricker' Wall (SF) is eliminated and his votes will be redistributed in the fifth count.

4.51PM: Count #4 Cavan Belturbet coming up.

4.47PM: Recount of two candidates underway

Check out the story here.

04:32PM: Standing for election! We took this photo of Cllr John Paul Feeley (FF) with his son Éamon earlier today as they awaited the results of Cavan-Belturbet MD.

4:27PM: Aontú candidate Gráinne McPhillips reacts to her elimination on the fifth count.

The says it was always going to be a "tough battle" given the increase in the number of candidates seeking election.

"The consensus from engaging with people was that they were fed up with the parties in power and how different issues were being dealt with. There was also a desire for female representation in the Ballyjamesduff area.

"However, on polling day, this was not reflected," she lamented.

That said, Ms McPhillips polled well and stayed in the race until the 5th count.

"I would like to thank everyone who supported my campaign and voted for me. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be."

She added: "I would like to congratulate the candidates who will be elected in each of the 3 electoral areas, and I hope they engage with the people of Cavan and act upon the issues that are impacting them most. Go raibh míle maith agaibh."


- The distribution of Carmel Brady's 12 surplus votes

Request for a recount of ballot papers for each of the two lowest candidates - Garry Cosgrove and Christopher Shekelton

3:26PM: Editor Linda O’Reilly and Deputy Editor Damian McCarney make their predictions and comments on the fate of the remaining Bailieborough Cootehill candidates.



The distribution of Angela Gaffney's votes

The quota is 1,700

No candidate elected. Gráinne McPhillips (Aontú) eliminated and her votes will now be redistributed in count #6

3:14PM: Shekleton and Cosgrove in relegation battle in count #4 for Bailieborough Cootehill. Click here for analysis.

Cllr Carmel Brady (FG) embraces her 93-year-old mother Eileen Fitzpatrick as she is elected to Cavan County Council.


The distribution of Brendan Fay's surplus of 196 votes

The quota is 1,431 votes

No candidate elected. The following candidates have been excluded: Liam van der Spek (Lab), Kevin Murphy (GP), Tinko Tinev (Aontú) and Susuana Komolafe (Ind) and their votes will be distributed in count #4

* Cllrs Áine Smith (FF) and Brendan Fay (Ind) were elected on the first count

READ MORE: Four candidates eliminated in Cavan-Belturbet

Carmel Brady (FG) the first to be elected today - the sixth in total.

2:03PM: Carmel Brady elected on the third count in Bailieborough Cootehill courtesy of 41 transfers.


READ MORE: Shekleton and Cosgrove in relegation battle


The distribution of 569 Angela Gaffney's votes

The quota is 1,700

Winston Bennett (FG): +5 - 1,465

Philip 'Gunner' Brady (FF): +10 - 1,316

Noel Connell (SF): +410 - 1,488

Nathan Galligan (FF): +14 - 850

Lester Gordon (SI): +18 - 1,068

Gráinne McPhillips (Aontú): +24 - 816

T.P. O'Reilly (FG): +50 - 1,381

* No candidate elected. Distribute Trevor Smith's surplus of 63 votes for count #5

* Cllr Shane P. O'Reilly (II) and Cllr Trevor Smith (FG) both elected on the first count

Angela Gaffney and Kieran Goggins eliminated

READ MORE: SF's Gaffney's elimination boosts party colleague


1:31PM: Here's the latest analysis of the state of play in Bailieborough Cootehill: Focus turns to avoiding the drop zone

1:30PM: The team is getting hungry here - the good news is pizzas from Chapter One are on the way.

01:20PM: Senator Diarmuid Wilson thinks Fianna Fàil has a strong chance of gaining the remaining seats in each electoral area. He discusses the prospects with Senior Reporter Seamus Enright.


01:09PM: Editor Linda O’Reilly and Senior Reporter Seamus Enright give their analysis and predictions on the Cavan Belturbet MD.


FG gain following distribution of Shane P O'Reilly's surplus

Locals vote local in Smith (FF) surplus sharing

Lester gains most from distribution of Goggins' votes

FG's Brady in with a chance of carrying on legacy


The distribution of Shane P. O'Reilly's surplus of 174

The quota is 1,700

No candidate elected; Angela Gaffney (SF) eliminated and her 569 votes will be distributed in Count #4

* Cllr Shane P. O'Reilly (II) and Cllr Trevor Smith (FG) both elected on the first count

Kieran Goggins was eliminated after the first count


- The distribution of Sarah O'Reilly's surplus of 54 votes

The quota is 1,716

No candidate has reached the quota.

The lowest candidates have been excluded - Marina McEntee, Fiona McCormack and John 'Sean' O'Reilly - and their votes will be distributed in count #3

* Cllr Sarah O'Reilly (Aontú) was elected on the first count


The distribution of Áine Smith's surplus of 332 votes

The quota is 1,431 votes

No candidate elected.

* Cllrs Áine Smith (FF) and Brendan Fay (Ind) were elected on the first count

Staff will now proceed to distribute the surplus of Brendan Fay's votes - 196 - in Count #3

11:32AM: Fianna Fáil's John Paul Feeley has just arrived at the count centre with wife Niamh, joining Senator Diarmuid Wilson. He's hopeful of claiming one of the last remaining four seats in the Cavan-Belturbet MD. Party colleague Philip 'Gunner' Brady has been here a short time, as has Ballyjamesduff MD running mate Nathan Galliagan. From Bailieborough-Cootehill, Carmel Brady has just arrived at the door. Shamrock Independent Lester Gordon has "gone for the breakfast" with B'Boro-Coote Independent Garry Cosgrove after learning the outcome of Count 2 in Ballyjamesduff.

From the Sinn Féin side of the house is Stiofan Conaty up in the canteen, while Noel Connell and Damien Brady are in deep conversation in another corner of the count centre.

11:26AM: Lester Gordon discusses his hopes of being elected to Cavan County Council after gaining most of Kieran Goggins' (IFP) votes.

Watch the video

11:20AM: Lester gains most from distribution of Goggins' votes

11:18AM: With only 54 votes in play for Bailieborough Cootehill count #2 it's very unlikely that Carmel Brady will get the 32 votes she needs to meet the quota on this count. There's plenty of Bailieborough candidates who will be hoping to share the morsels available.

11:04AM: As results are forthcoming today, those already elected celebrated their success in the early hours of this morning. Cllr Brendan Fay (Ind) was one of such elected in the Cavan Belturbet area.

Watch as Cllr Brendan Fay (Ind) returned to his home town of Belturbet


Result of Count #2 Ballyjameduff - Distribution of Kieran Goggins' votes

Cllr Shane P. O'Reilly (II) and Trevor Smith (FG) already elected on the first count.

10:50AM: In Bailieborough Cootehill Electoral Area count #2 they are allocating the 54 surplus votes from Cllr Sarah O'Reilly.

10:40AM: Campaign posters around the county have already started coming off the poles this morning. Here at the count centre, Noel Connell (SF), Stiofan Conaty (SF), Damien Brady (SF), Lester Gordon (Shamrock Independent), Garry Cosgrove (Independent) are here awaiting results.

10:16AM: Yesterday was interesting. A lot happened, then nothing, and then plenty more towards the end once disputed ballots were adjudicated over. We expect results to come thick and fast today.

10:12AM: The Celt crew is beginning to arrive in force. Lester has been joined on the floor by Bailieborough-Cootehill Indepdent Gary Cosgrove. Count staff in each individual area are being briefed right now now. Lynda McGavigan is the Returning Officer and all eyes are on her every time she moves near the speaker's podium.

10:10AM: There are not too many people but in bright and early is Shamrock Independent Lester Gordon in the Ballyjamesduff area. He secured 958 first preferences and stands as good a chance as any at securing the sixth and final seat.

10:04AM: Still no movement down on the floor but plenty of people here. We expect proceedings to get underway soon. It was a late finish last night. Here is the state of play:

10AM: It's all to play for on Day #2 here at the Cavan Count Centre after five candidates were elected across the three electoral areas- Cavan-Belturbet, Ballyjamesduff, and Bailieborough-Cootehill- having met their respective quotas.

To check out all the highs and lows from yesterday's count - including tallies, analysis, reaction, videos etc, check out yesterday's blog here.